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The Available Food

Existing fast food takeaways, a single pub, bakeries and coffee shops could only satisfy hunger without enjoyment or excitement. Stretford lacks 'nice' restaurants that serve not only healthy and delicious meals, but act as a socializing space outside the mall.  

Kingfisher Chippy

The Nice Food Demand

So with a high demand for restaurant or cooked meals, simple economic rule would say that there should be producers attracted to supply. And yet, that is not the case. Perhaps the near proximity to other towns with pleasant dining catering Stretford residents has allowed this issue to be tolerable.


Restaurant chains are thus reluctant to invest in Stretford as they could have gained more customers (including Stretford-ians) when placed in a 'celebrated' town, while local owners could not afford the expensive rent. 

"Nice evening places to go to, you know. That doesn't involve alcohol or just drinking."

"I want a choice for lunch."

Q: Where do you currently go for meals?

"Sale. Trafford."

"Nowhere to go to meet friends indoor."

Grow, Cook, Eat
The Available Food
The Nice Food Demand



The Food Purpose

The Food Purpose

Based on Karakter's practice, the two aspects of education and ecology are to be prioritised and fused with the 'nice food demand' (below) as revealed through the interactive event. The choice of education is an effort of giving purpose to eating, encouraging participation of the runaways while ecology is related to the locality of ingredients in Stretford (once famous for its produce). The result is a cookery school for the runaways incorporating the processes of growing, cooking and eating.

Cookery school for the runaways

The Sip Club

© 2016-2017 by Amalia Ab Aziz

The Runaway Kitchen is a third year project for BA (Hons) Architecture at Manchester School of Architecture, RIBA Part I.

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